Failed Shots

My First Heart Break


I am sorry friends, it didn't turn out really well because of error technicalities. It was my error and I actually cried a little bit when I saw the result because I put so much expectations in this film roll. 

I pushed the ASA to 200 while the film only holds 100 (I forgot to change it) plus it was an expired film. Why did I put so much expectations? Because, I took photos of some couples so I can write a story  "High School Sweethearts" about how Madania Senior Highschool's students date at school. Other than that, I took some photos of lanterns and I pictured the result will be awesome and last I took a photo of my friend, Novi, sitting in the middle of an empty road which was really epic. But, all of them didn't turn out really well :(

Nothing to tell anymore, it was my fault and this would be my (because of Yashica fx3) first heart break. Those photos are some that I can edit the exposure so we can still see it, the rest are too underexposure.

Karima kecewa

photo by Karima Duhita, Kodak pro image 100, Yashica fx3 super 2000


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